March 24th, 7:30 PM: Maundy Thursday Service
This service of Holy Eucharist is named for the new commandment (mandatum in Latin) Jesus gave to his disciples to "love one another" during the Last Supper in the Gospel of John. After communion, the Reserved Sacrament is taken in procession out of the tabernacle while an ancient hymn honoring the Sacrament is sung. Finally, the altar, including the sanctuary, is stripped of all decoration as a symbolic expression of the desolation of Jesus' Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest and crucifixion.
March 24th, 7:30 PM: Maundy Thursday Service
This service of Holy Eucharist is named for the new commandment (mandatum in Latin) Jesus gave to his disciples to "love one another" during the Last Supper in the Gospel of John. After communion, the Reserved Sacrament is taken in procession out of the tabernacle while an ancient hymn honoring the Sacrament is sung. Finally, the altar, including the sanctuary, is stripped of all decoration as a symbolic expression of the desolation of Jesus' Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest and crucifixion.
March 25th, Noon: Good Friday Service
This supremely solemn service commemorates the Passion of Christ, based on a pattern of worship dating back to the earliest centuries of the Church. The Passion of Christ found in the Gospel of John is proclaimed with a dramatic reading in which members of the congregation take part. Prayers are offered according to a most ancient custom. A large cross is then brought to the sanctuary in solemn procession, followed by a hymn of veneration. The service concludes with an opportunity for the congregation to receive communion from the Reserved Sacrament before a solemn silent departure.
This supremely solemn service commemorates the Passion of Christ, based on a pattern of worship dating back to the earliest centuries of the Church. The Passion of Christ found in the Gospel of John is proclaimed with a dramatic reading in which members of the congregation take part. Prayers are offered according to a most ancient custom. A large cross is then brought to the sanctuary in solemn procession, followed by a hymn of veneration. The service concludes with an opportunity for the congregation to receive communion from the Reserved Sacrament before a solemn silent departure.